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Your partnership can help make a difference in the lives of children in need here on Kauai.   With your support, we can help provide them with the resources they need to develop their talents, pursue their dreams and reach their full potential. Your donations can help sponsor a child who may not be able to afford a positive activity for the semester, covering tuition costs, supplies and even costuming for performances. With your generosity, you can help them to learn, grow and reach new heights.  

You can either sponsor a student, or give to our new building.   Please select your gift amount below.

Testimonial of a previous scholarship recipient:

Having a place to go to where I felt safe and comfortable as a teen, looking back was one of the most if not the most important thing that has happened in my life. Aloha Dance Studio was a safe space where I could foster my creativity, cultivate my love for dancing and movement and connect with friends. Growing up in a dysfunctional household with both parents always working ADS was a safe haven for me to fully express myself. During my time there I made lifelong friendships, I learned discipline, responsibility, time management, how to respect others as well as learning how to respect myself & my body. To this day I still carry the knowledge I’ve gained and will forever. If it wasn’t for ADS my life would not be where it is today. Mahalo to Tiffany and her family for being so gracious and generous with their Aloha. Having people in my life that cared for me outside of my family showed me that love goes a long way. That I mattered, that I was important and that I belonged. Along with that I grew self confidence & found inspiration to keep doing the things that bring me happiness and peace. I can truthfully say that Aloha Dance Studio and the mentorship of Tiffany Dick has shaped my life in the most positive way. 



Thank you for supporting our cause and for your generosity.
You may make your online donation below, or mail us a check.   Please indicate in your memo where you would like your funds to go to.


You can send a check to:

Thrive With Movement

4274 Puaole St 

Lihue, HI 96766

Support our Keiki or our Building fund.  Scroll down for more information.
Help us get into our new building by partnering with us below. 
New location

We still need:

flooring:  $17,736.80

mirrors:  $8,000

Barres: $4453.00

Architect Fees:  $12,000.00

Electrician Fees: $13600.00

Plumbing Fees: $4800.00

Total Expenses still needed:  $60,589.80

Your contributions will help us continue our expansion in our space to be able to offer more!
Thank you

Donate to our building fund
Sponsor a student:

Currently it costs on average $125 per month for a child to take one class per week that includes their recital costume to participate in our semi-annual recital.

A full session with costume would cost one child an average $750 for average 20-22 weeks per session.

Thank you for your sponsorship

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